Transpersonal Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy finds its definitional roots from the word psyche often translated to mean the “mind, soul, spirit” connection of an individual while therapy being “curing, healing, attending.” Psychotherapy therefore is the process of working with the mind-soul-spirit of an individual for healing purpose.

Practically, it is the process of exploring, clarifying, and understanding the various positive and negative patterns that form who we are. Through this process, we learn how our thoughts and emotions affect both our lives and the lives of others. With this awareness, we can begin to free ourselves from historical conditioning and make conscious daily choices to change our lives in ways that best serve ourselves and the world at large. Freedom and personal sovereignty comes from this deep process.

Transpersonal Psychotherapy finds its definitional roots to mean trans or “beyond, through” the personal or “ego, individual personality.” It is a whole-person approach to psychology that works with both the ego structure, or individual personality, and the beyond-ego structure, or beyond the individual personality speaking to the original definition of the psyche being a mind-soul-spirit complex. This provides the opportunity to heal and transform the egoic self and connect to the transpersonal self effectively contextualizing the Self into the greater whole. With this awareness, we can begin to identify and differentiate between the parts of ourselves that are suffering and the parts of ourselves that are whole.

Many individuals seeking therapy here have had unusual and out of the ordinary Exceptional Human Experiences (EHEs) characterized by the field of parapsychology as anomalous experiences. Oftentimes these experiences, which are actually quite normal in everyday life, are often ignored, devalued, pathologized, and often just forgotten. Our work together is to uncover the hidden treasures within each of these difficult extraordinary experiences and use them as a catalyst for healing and transformation. 


Individual Psychotherapy Sessions are offered to women and men and are composed of 1:1 therapeutic meetings held between the patient and the therapist. Both individuals work together to formulate a holistic treatment plan that assists in the understanding and overall reduction of pain and suffering.

The therapeutic relationship between the patient and the therapist is paramount and the foundational structure of the deep work that emerges. A safe and confidential space is created to better understand one’s inner world. Each patient is treated with dignity and respect and one’s individual process is honored by moving at a pace that balances one’s wants with one’s needs.

Suffering can tend to manifest itself in various forms like problematic behaviors, somatic or physical reactions, re-occurring and intrusive thoughts, overwhelming emotions, and limiting belief systems that negatively impact one’s life. Much self-growth is possible through processing and understanding both our past history and our current fears leading us to improve our relationship with ourselves, others, and the world around us. It is a journey that can help us become more conscious and increase our capacities for acceptance, compassion, forgiveness, peace, joy, spiritual connection and love.

Sessions tend to vary in content according to what is happening in the present moment, therefore, experiences within sessions will vary accordingly. Both short-term and long-term therapy is available for adults. Individual sessions run a clinical hour, the length of 45-50 minutes once a week. Referrals and additional treatment resources are made available on an as-needed basis.