Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine is a holistic approach to health and healing that has been practiced for thousands of years and is rooted in eastern science. Today, energy medicine has become a well-known practice in the western world to address a broad range of psycho-emotional, psycho-spiritual, and psycho-energetic needs.
Energy medicine is based on the belief that living beings have energy fields that can become imbalanced, which negatively impacts our well-being.
Energy Medicine Counseling is therefore an energy-based form of counseling that focuses on the subconscious mind and the energy body of the client to address physical, mental, emotional, and energetic imbalances. Here, we explore your Subconscious mind and multidimensional self by integrating the Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code, Light Therapy, and Tachyon Therapy into our counseling sessions.
✓ Working with the Ether Body or Energy Body
✓ Working with the Astral Body or Emotional Body
✓ Working with the Mental Body
✓ Working with the Plasma Body
✓ Aligning the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies
✓ Cleansing the auric fields
✓ Re-balancing the chakras or energy centers of the body
✓ Releasing dense, heavy, stagnant, and stuck energy
✓ Transmuting destructive energetic patterns
✓ Increasing the movement of life force energy and overall vitality
✓ Awareness and re-connection with Nature and healing energy
Emotion Code
Body Code
Belief Code
Light Therapy
Tachyon Therapy
The Emotion Code
The premise of the Emotion Code is that the energy of past emotions can literally become trapped in your body, affecting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Knowledge of the human energy field goes back thousands of years and through many cultures.
The Emotion Code provides a framework for these ancient teachings by providing an understanding of how trapped emotional energies can cause blockages or imbalances in your personal energy field. With the Emotion Code, it is possible to permanently remove these negative energies.
Negative emotions are vibrational frequencies that are generated by your organs and glands in response to stress, an experience, a negative thought, or imbalance in the body.
Negative emotions are generally influenced by what is happening in the moment, often in addition to trapped emotions and other imbalances already present.
Negative emotions are a normal and valuable part of life, and an important part of your internal guidance system.
An emotion can become trapped if it is overwhelming in some way, or if the normal emotional process (creating, experiencing, and letting go) gets interrupted somehow.
A trapped emotion is a ball of vibrating energy about the size of your clenched fist.
Trapped emotions can lodge anywhere in your body, where they can exert a distorting force on the energy field, which can lead to all kinds of physical and emotional issues
The heart is the most electromagnetic organ in the body with a magnetic field extending up to 12 feet in diameter around the body. The heart generates 60 to 1000 times more power and electromagnetic energy than the brain, easily making it the most powerful organ you have. Scientists have been able to confirm some absolutely mind-boggling things about the heart that they never imagined:
Every beat of the heart sends messages to all the cells of the body
The brain in your head obeys the messages sent by the heart
The heart can “think” for itself
The heart has the ability to “remember” things
When we experience pain in our life,the subconscious mind may form an “energy wall” to protect the heart against further heartache. This wall of energy is now known as the “Heart-Wall.”
A Heart-Wall is made of one or more trapped emotions that the subconscious mind uses to surround the heart as a protective barrier against emotional pain.
Each trapped emotion in the Heart-Wall is known as a Heart-Wall emotion.
A Heart-Wall emotion is one layer in the collective Heart-Wall. When all Heart-Wall emotions have been removed, the Heart-Wall is gone.
The Heart-Wall is usually created in response to emotional distress. The subconscious mind then uses pre-existing trapped emotions to form the wall. Therefore, the Heart-Wall may be made up of any emotion(s), new or old.
Heart-Wall emotions may be from any time in your own life and they can also be inherited. (It is rare to find any other type of trapped emotion other than common or inherited making up a Heart-Wall).
Most individuals have a Heart-Wall consisting of between five and 25 Heart-Wall emotions.
A Heart-Wall may cause you to feel disconnected from others, lonely, sad, anxious, and unmotivated.
Physical symptoms such as neck and shoulder discomfort may be present.
It’s generally best to let the subconscious indicate what imbalances need to be released and in what order. If you find only one Heart-Wall emotion in a session, allow the process to unfold naturally.
It takes about 5 full sessions to clear the common-heart wall.
Clear the Heart-Wall
Clear negative emotional experiences
Gain emotional intelligence
Increase emotional resiliency
Increase one’s emotional container
Release past life emotional traumas
Release ancestral & intergenerational emotional traumas
During an Emotion Code session, clients can expect the following 3 parts to each session:
1. Discussion: The counseling session begins with an exploration of the most prominent issue the client is facing at the moment.
2. Emotion Code Session: The client is then guided into a naturallight hypnotic state while the therapist is either muscle testing or dowsing to access the client’s subconscious mind and begin the clearing process. The client’s subconscious mind is guiding the session.
3. Recommendations: After the Emotion Code clearing has completed, wellness recommendations are made to support the healing process over the next few days.
You will receive a comprehensive email report capturing the work completed in the session. Each Emotion Code session focuses deeply on either clearing the heart wall or clearing various emotional energies which include trapped emotions, heart-wall emotions, psychic trauma or emotional compounds, and emotional reverberations. Follow-up sessions are recommended as needed.
To find out more about the Emotion Code, please visit: DiscoverHealing/Emotion Code
The Body Code
The Body Code is a revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help people uncover the root causes of discomfort, sickness, and suffering in body and spirit so you can have the opportunity to release these imbalances.
The Body Code was designed not just to bring relief to physical conditions. By identifying and releasing underlying energetic imbalances, you may feel connected to your true self. As you use The Body Code, you may clear emotional baggage to feel happier and more at peace than ever before.
Restoration and balance happen over time and in layers. Typically, people notice immediate results in some areas while other areas may take more time to heal. It is not a process you force, but rather allow the releases to occur and the changes to happen when your mind, body and spirit are ready. Trust the process and the intelligence of your subconscious mind.
Emotional Wellness
Achieve energetic balance when you remove Trapped Emotions, internalized trauma, and more.
Body System Balance
Achieve physical balance by identifying issues in organs, glands, muscles, body systems & how they connect.
Toxin Resolution
Identify heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation & other toxins that may be throwing off your body’s balance.
Pathogen Resolution
Identify fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, or parasitic invaders that may wreak havoc on your body from the inside out.
Structural Balance
Support the proper function of bones, nerves, connective tissues, and alignment.
Nutrition & Lifestyle
Find herbs and nutrients, exercise and lifestyle habits your body is asking for.
Balance the energy bodies that are affecting the physical body
Correct misalignments in the glands and organs of the body
Release pathogens in the body
Release toxins in the body
Receive wellness lifestyle recommendations
Correct misalignments in the twelve major systems of the body
Circulatory System
Digestive System
Endocrine System
Immune/Lymphatic System
Integumentary System
Muscular System
Nervous System
Reproductive System
Respiratory System
Skeletal System
Urinary System
During a Body Code session, clients can expect the following 3 parts to each session:
1. Discussion: The counseling session begins with an exploration of the most prominent issue the client is facing at the moment.
2. Body Code Session: The client is then guided into a naturallight hypnotic state while the therapist is either muscle testing or dowsing to access the client’s subconscious mind and begin the clearing process. The client’s subconscious mind is guiding the session.
3. Recommendations: After the Body Code clearing has completed, wellness recommendations are made to support the healing process over the next few days.
You will receive a comprehensive email report capturing the work completed in the session. Each Body Code session focuses deeply on clearing the top treatment priorities as guided by the subconscious mind within the 6 major categories of imbalances which include emotional wellness, body system balance, toxin resolution, pathogen resolution, structural balance, and nutrition & lifestyle. Follow-up sessions are recommended as needed.
To find out more about the Body Code, please visit: DiscoverHealing/BodyCode
The Belief Code
A belief is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind that something is true or false, right or wrong, and is the filter through which life is viewed and experienced. Beliefs represent a broad and absolute truth created by self-conclusion, suggestion, or inheritance.
Only subconscious beliefs that are incongruent with conscious beliefs can be changed energetically.
A person must have the desire to change an incongruent belief.
Conscious beliefs cannot be changed except through conscious effort.
A subconscious belief exists as a distinct, singular pattern of energy. The statements below represent an approximate description of that energy.
Our Core Belief System can dramatically impact how we perceive every aspect of our lives on a daily basis.
The four main layers of a Faulty Belief System are addressed by the Belief Code, allowing practitioners to systematically release unwanted negative beliefs.
The Four Layers are represented by a tree analogy:
Negative Programs
The outer branches and leaves produced by the tree.
Negative Programs are the result of the full system, producing negative automatic thoughts. They are the easiest part of the Faulty Belief System to perceive and can be recognized as negative self-talk and negative chatter in the mind.
Limiting Beliefs
The trunk at the center of the tree.
When you ask why the belief system exists, you will find the limiting belief at the center. This belief is likely something you believe about yourself or the world. You might have no idea that thought was lingering in your subconscious mind.
Faulty Core Beliefs
The spreading roots of the tree.
When a negative belief is reinforced, and supported by other emotions, that belief begins to grow and even become additional beliefs. It spreads and compounds upon itself, becoming a tangled web of roots that becomes our belief system.
Faulty Core Identity
The soil, from which the tree sprouts and grows.
A Faulty Core Identity is the origin story of the belief. These beliefs often begin when we are children and absorb the ideas around us without question. These become associated with our identity so closely, they may be unrecognizable to us.
The Divine category includes our beliefs as related to God, Faith, Purpose, Forgiveness, Higher Self, and Success. Divine belief relationships include:
Crown Chakra: Spirit, Divine, Self-realization, Wisdom, Spirituality
Gland Connection: Pineal Gland
Muscle Connection: Muscles of the Eye
System Connection: Central Nervous System, Integumentary System
Maslow's Hierarchy Connection: Self-Actualization/ Transcendence
The Insight category includes our beliefs as related to the Body, Defects, Illness, Pain, Boundaries, Education, Intuition, and Recovery. Insight belief relationships include:
Brow Chakra: Intuition, Intellect, Insight, Perception, Big Picture
Gland Connection: Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
Muscle Connection: None known
System Connection: Autonomic Nervous System and Endocrine System
Maslow's Hierarchy Connection: Aesthetic
The Communication category includes our beliefs as related to Authority, Expression, Awareness, and Ego. Communication belief relationships include:
Throat Chakra: Communication, Self-expression, Purification, Learning
Gland Connection: Thyroid Gland
Muscle Connection: Teres minor
System Connection: Respiratory System
Maslow's Hierarchy Connection: Cognitive
The Love category includes our beliefs as related to our Feelings, Family, Parents, Self, Others, Children, Partners, and Responsibilities. Love belief relationships include:
Heart Chakra: Compassion, Unconditional Love, Kindness
Gland Connection: Thymus Gland
Muscle Connection: Teres Major
System Connection: Circulatory, Immune, and Lymphatic Systems
Maslow's Hierarchy Connection: Esteem
The Power category includes our beliefs as related to our Abilities, Comparisons, Expectations, Performance, Change, Effort, Growth, and Strength. Power belief relationships include:
Solar Plexus Chakra: Self-esteem, Confidence, Action, Identity, Power
Gland Connection: Adrenal Glands
Muscle Connection: Calf Muscles, Sartorius muscles, and Gracilis muscles
System Connection: Digestive, Muscular, and Microbiome systems
Maslow's Hierarchy Connection: Belonging/Love
The Passion category includes our beliefs as related to our Choices, Finances, Sexuality, Scarcity, Trust, Death, and Time. Passion belief relationships include:
Sacral Chakra: Passion, Creativity, Pleasure, Trust, Sexuality
Gland Connection: Testes/Ovaries
Muscle Connection: None known
System Connection: Genitourinary System: Urinary and Reproductive Systems
Maslow's Hierarchy Connection: Safety
The Survival category includes our beliefs as related to Codependency, Sabotage, Victimhood, Control, Safety, and Worth. Survival belief relationships include:
Root Chakra: Security, Safety, Support, Survival
Gland Connection: Gonads, Testes/ Ovaries
Muscle Connection: None known
System Connection: Reproductive and Skeletal Systems
Maslow's Hierarchy Connection: Physiological
Clear negative mental belief systems
Clear negative mental energies
Clear ancestral and inherited mental energies
Create new positive belief systems
During a Belief Code session, clients can expect the following 3 parts to each session:
1. Discussion: The counseling session begins with an exploration of the most prominent issue the client is facing at the moment.
2. Belief Code Session: The client is then guided into a naturallight hypnotic state while the therapist is either muscle testing or dowsing to access the client’s subconscious mind and begin the clearing process. The client’s subconscious mind is guiding the session.
3. Recommendations: After the Belief Code clearing has completed, wellness recommendations are made to support the healing process over the next few days.
You will receive a comprehensive email report capturing the work completed in the session. Each Belief Code session focuses deeply on clearing the most necessary belief system as guided by the subconscious mind within 7 major categories which include Divine, Insight, Communication, Love, Power, Passion, and Survival. Follow-up sessions are recommended as needed.
To find out more about the Belief Code, please visit:
DiscoverHealing/Belief Code
Light Therapy
Light Therapy is a an energy medicine tool utilized to alleviate psycho-emotional stressors. Light Mandala Technology is a form of quantum light therapy. Through the use of Light Mandala quantum healing technologies, clients are able to entrain to higher frequencies to balance their physiological and psychological systems on a multidimensional level.
Grounded in scientific analysis and methodology and the principle that everything in the universe resonates with specific frequencies, light can be used as a carrier wave to transmit information; in the form of colors, geometry, and the frequencies of natural minerals, we can nourish and support weaker aspects of the energetic field, facilitating a healthy and more vibrant flow of energy in the system.
Through quantum remote healing, Light Mandalas work with the power of resonance and are at the forefront of frequency-based healing, offering a comprehensive library and innovative technology to users who seek holistic wellness.
1. The Importance of Frequencies in Wellness
Frequencies are the building blocks of everything in the universe, existing in various forms. By applying the right frequency in the correct wave and form, we can influence the state of an object, restoring it to its natural state or enhancing its qualities.
2. Frequency Resonance: The Core of Healing
Healing is achieved through “resonance.” By sending a frequency to a client, the client will resonate in response, similar to how a tuning fork vibrates when struck or how a crystal singing bowl’s sound lingers in the air even after it stops. An extensive frequency library from various research fields are available to Light Mandalas users for diverse applications.
3. Unique Methods of Generating Frequencies
Light Mandala technology generates frequencies using three main methods, each offering a distinct approach to frequency healing:
a) Laser and Analog XY Scanner Technology
The Mandala Astral Star uses a unique analog XY scanner module to move a laser light beam, creating sacred geometric symbols. Each symbol generates complex, sweeping frequencies as the scanner activates and moves. The laser is turned on and off in precise sequences to produce healing effects.
b) Frequency Generator Chips
Our devices such as Mandala Wand, Mandala Resonator, Mandala Violet Shield, Light Alchemy, Mandala Breeze, and 7Chakra Activator utilize frequency generator chips capable of producing frequencies ranging from 1 Hz to 40 MHz (with specific devices limited to 2 MHz or 25 kHz).
c) Binaural Beats
Incorporating binaural beats, which influence brainwave activity to achieve relaxation, focus, and stress reduction, enhances the effects of Light Alchemy, Mandala Wand, Violet Shield, and 7Chakra Activator. When combined with Psycho-Spiritual Integration (PSI), binaural beats help reprogram the subconscious mind for emotional healing and personal growth.
4. Forms of Frequencies in Light Mandalas Technology
Different forms of frequencies are used across Light Mandalas devices to maximize the healing potential:
•Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
Utilized for wound healing, muscle recovery, and joint pain relief. This non-invasive approach supports tissue repair and reduces inflammation by focusing coherent light on specific points.
•Magnetic Fields
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy stimulates cellular energy, circulation, and relaxation while aligning the body’s biofield. Our technology integrates this form of frequency to not only heal the body but also improve environmental quality by clearing electromagnetic pollution.
•Scalar Waves
Scalar waves penetrate deeply to balance the biofield and support cellular repair. They are also effective for environmental healing, neutralizing harmful radiation and fostering a healthier atmosphere.
•Plasma Fields
Plasma fields promote cellular regeneration, detoxification, and balance within the biofield. Their high-energy properties help cleanse the Aura, purify air and water, and neutralize electromagnetic pollution.
•Color Light Therapy
Different colors influence the mood and stimulate the body’s healing processes. Our devices use color to facilitate frequency resonance, aiding in the body’s natural acceptance and utilization of healing energy.
5. Psycho-Spiritual Integration (PSI) and Binaural Beats
PSI combines the power of binaural beats with affirmations for deep emotional healing. Users engage in a 21-day program where affirmations guide the subconscious mind toward transforming negative beliefs. This practice accelerates personal growth and supports lasting positive changes.
6. Integrating Sacred Geometry, Mandalas, and Crystals
•Sacred Geometry and Mandalas
We incorporate symbols such as the Flower of Life and Metatron’s Cube to enhance meditation, energy work, and spiritual growth. The Mandala Astral Star and other devices feature unique patterns infused with harmonizing energies.
•Crystals and Photon Fields
Our technology amplifies the healing properties of crystals by creating photon fields filled with crystal frequencies. This approach simulates the experience of being within the crystal, offering powerful healing effects.
For more information on Light Mandalas, please visit
Advanced Light Therapy Tool for Mood Balance and Energy Alignment
The Mandala Astral Star is a high-tech light therapy tool that uses crystals to create fractal light energy fields, emitting geometric light patterns designed for mood balance and emotional well-being support. Ideal for wellness spaces, this device offers a photon resonance library for various benefits such as energy protection, healing, DNA activation, and chakra balancing. Transform your environment with its cosmic energy harmonizer.
How the Mandala Astral Star Works
The Mandala Astral Star emits light and photon fields that form sacred geometry light designs. These shapes pass through crystals, dispersing their energy into a holographic fractal energy field, creating multi-harmonic light patterns. Each color corresponds to a specific frequency, supporting emotional well-being and energy balance.
Key Features:
Photon Resonance Patterns: Combines resonantly tuned crystals and coherent light to generate precise patterns for emotional well-being.
Crystal Energy Resonance: Crystals, cut to universal geometric proportions, interact with human energy fields for varied effects, enhancing both the mood and energy of the environment.
Sacred Geometry Integration: Creates geometric light pathways that harmoniously interact with human energy meridians and fields, fostering balanced mental, emotional, and spiritual states.
Chakra Balancing Light: Supports chakra balancing, promoting emotional balance and energetic alignment.
Cosmic Energy Harmonizer: Generates a holographic fractal field, delivering resonances that interact harmoniously with your energy meridians and fields. Ideal for creating a balanced environment, enhancing relaxation, and fostering a positive emotional state.
For more information on the Mandala Astral Star, please visit Star -
The Mandala Astral Star contains a comprehensive library of well over 500 Light Therapy programs that work on all psychological, physiological and energetic issues.
Clients see immediate results in:
Improved mood regulation
Release of emotional baggage
Reduction of negative thoughts
Enhanced chakra balancing
Alleviation of anxiety and depression
Heightened creativity and intuition
Enhanced relaxation and stress reduction
Enhanced self-awareness and mindfulness
Improved nervous, endocrine, and immune systems
Increased harmony and balance in all aspects of life
During a Light Therapy session with Light Mandala technology, clients can expect the following 3 parts to each session:
1. Discussion: The counseling session begins with an exploration of the most prominent issue the client is facing at the moment.
2. Light Therapy: The client is then guided into a natural light hypnotic state through breath work and guided meditation. During this time, the client is simultaneously receiving light therapy directly through the Astral Star projection onto a black and white photo of the client. As the client receives the light therapy, they are processing what is arising and releasing memories, thoughts, and emotions with the therapist.
3. Recommendations: After the healing has completed, wellness recommendations are made to support the healing process over the next few days.
You will receive a comprehensive email report capturing the work completed in the session. Each Light Therapy session focuses deeply on the 5-7 programs chosen from the Light Mandala library. Follow-up sessions are recommended as needed.
Tachyon Therapy
Tachyons are subatomic particles infused with the full spectrum of Source Light frequencies as they are the first particles to have emerged when the universe was created. They are directly connected with the Source, and they have stored all the potential needed to create a perfect energetic field in every individualized form of life.
Tachyon Therapy is the use of a Tachyon Healing Chamber to transmit Tachyons directly into the individual either in-person or through quantum remote healing. After your Tachyon session, we will process the experience in our next scheduled counseling session.
Tachyon energy is the initial manifestation of Source energy. Everything that transpires in the human body is already encoded within Tachyon Energy in perfect form. All imbalances in the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic bodies can be re-balanced through Tachyons since Tachyon energy is not just a certain type of energy, but rather a zer0-point energy that includes all energies in it of itself.
In partnership with Ascentiah Healing Center, receive either in-person or quantum distance healing sessions with the Tachyon Healing Chamber.
Tachyon Healing Chamber
A Tachyon Healing Chamber is a portal that delivers tachyon energy to the human body. During a tachyon chamber session, you will experience the transmission of tachyon energy (in the form of subtle tachyon particles) directly into the body. Inside the chamber, Tachyon energy permeates through all matter activating your innate healing power and intelligence of the physical body, mind, and soul.
Traveling faster than the speed of light, the Tachyon energy particles can influence your higher energy bodies in addition to your physical body, and can accelerate your spiritual growth. Harnessing this mysterious force can help strengthen your ability to create and manifest the reality you desire.
Each session involves the infusion of subtle particles that charge throughout your body as the magnetic force takes hold and instills something extraordinary within.
Connects you to your Higher Self or I AM Presence
Potential DNA repair helping to regenerate and rejuvenate the cells
Heals physical ailments by healing its emotional roots
Accesses metaphysical realms
Enhanced sleep and digestion
A boost of confidence through hormone regulation
Reconnects to your inner peace
Fosters clearer chakras
Gain heightened mental clarity
Achieve states of profound well-being
Brings harmony to all of life dimensions from the physical body to the energy bodies and beyond
You can receive either an in-person or quantum healing session in the comfort of your own home. Whether in-person or at home, during the session you will lay down in a meditative relaxed state. to experience the energy of subtle tachyon particles that work their way through your physical and subtle energy bodies.
It is recommended to wear light colored comfortable clothes for the maximum amount of Tachyon absorption. It is also recommended to avoid eating 90 minutes before and after your scheduled time. The goal is to optimize the body's receptiveness to healing energy by minimizing its activity in processing food and other foreign substances.
It is necessary to eliminate all electronic devices, such as smartwatches and phones, and any crystals or gemstones that help elevate your vibrations.
Sessions are typically 30-45 minutes long. To make the most out of your session, try practicing clearing your mind, setting positive intentions, and centering yourself in the present moment. After your session has completed, it is recommended to drink water for the next 90 minutes and stay clear of any stressors for that amount of time to allow the healing to integrate itself more fully.
For more information and to schedule your Tachyon session, please visit Ascentiah Healing Center.
INTERESTED IN Energy Medicine Counseling?
All Energy Medicine Counseling sessions are focused on working with the subconscious mind and the energy body of the client. Alternating sessions are offered by interweaving the Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code, Light Mandala Healing, and Tachyon Healing as full energy healing sessions with in-between counseling sessions to process the effects and positive changes.
Both short-term and long-term sessions are offered.