Tipi Healing House, PLLC has developed from years of experience working with
children, women, and men undergoing deep pain and suffering.

Throughout this time, an integrative whole-person approach to healing emerged which naturally merged traditional psychological training with ancient wisdom and healing traditions.

Our approach to human suffering has helped our clients alleviate deep emotional wounds, clear negative mental beliefs and patterns, release trapped energy and emotions in the body, and helped people reconnect back to their spiritual natures.

We are deeply honored to be working with you and look forward to our transformative and healing journey together.

Our psychological healing traditions include:

Transpersonal, Humanistic & Existential Traditions

Psychoanalytic & Psychodynamic Traditions

Indigenous, World & Ecological Traditions

Our philosophical approach to healing is centered in Consciousness.

To begin the healing process,
we first bring awareness to the places
in our lives that are difficult to
see, feel, and experience within ourselves.

Our work together is to create a safe, confidential, and sacred therapeutic space to garner the strength necessary to move into our deep internal world and uncover what is hidden; making the unconscious conscious and understanding the subconscious mind in a grounded and integrative way.

Meaning of Tipi Healing House

Tipi or teepee was historically used by indigenous Americans
who lived a nomadic lifestyle. 

Tipi comes from the Lakota thípi, “dwelling.” Tipis not only provided shelter and warmth through the burning fire, but also forged family and community connectedness. Spiritually speaking, fire is a key element for alchemy and the process of transformation. Symbolically speaking, we are a momentary place of dwelling providing healing support along your life’s journey.

Healing is the natural process of becoming whole in body, mind, emotion, and spirit.

Healing is associated with themes of wholeness, personal narratives, and spirituality. The healing process is an intensely personal and subjective experience which includes the transcendence of suffering. Healing is a journey as the experience of suffering is an integral part of life and can become a teacher showing us the way to use it for therapeutic healing experiences.

House is a “dwelling” that serves as living quarters for people. 

House is also a term utilized to refer to groups of people. In the spiritual sense, a house is a sacred place of existence. The term Tipi was utilized historically while today it has become House. Symbolically, it is the doorway into our own dwelling, the internal house or tipi that resides within us all.


Jacqueline Hermida,

Jacqueline Hermida has over two decades of experience teaching, healing, and counseling individuals of all ages and abilities. Through a whole-person approach and the integration of various cultural teachings that subtly culminate into a unified paradigm, individuals are guided and empowered to heal, transform, and self-actualize.

In her Western training, Mrs. Hermida has earned three distinct Master’s Degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Special Education, and Educational Administration. Her career path began as an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapist, to becoming the Crisis Intervention Director of the STEP Program at Sagamore Children’s Psychiatric Center, to becoming the Director of Wellness at St. Joseph’s University, Counseling and Wellness Center.

In her Eastern training, she began her journey through studying the Martial Arts with particular attention to Wing Chun, Chi Gong, and Tai Chi. Through studying the Martial Arts, she was led to the practice of Yoga. After practicing daily for several years, she went on to complete two separate and in-depth 500-hour teacher training programs. Currently, she is a certified yoga therapist through the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) and teaches in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya & TKV Desikachar, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM). Both Martial Arts and Yoga have led to years of meditative study and practice from Buddhist Mindfulness lineages, traditional martial arts, and yogic meditative practices.

In her Southern and Northern training, Mrs. Hermida has studied with Shamans, Medicine People, and Energy Healers throughout her life learning metaphysics and the ways of the natural healing world. Her South American Native heritage continues to guide much of her work today. Currently, she practices natural spiritual healing processes from the traditions of Shamanism and various Energy Medicine healers throughout the world.

Currently, she maintains her private practice where she offers Psychotherapy and Counseling Services. Mrs. Hermida is a licensed psychotherapist who has been clinically trained in both psychodynamic and humanistic orientations and practices as a transpersonal psychotherapist. Mrs. Hermida is currently completing her Ph.D. dissertation work in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies and is a Special Topic Editor on Transpersonal Psychotherapy for the International Journal of Transpersonal Studies (IJTS).

The medicine women of South America carry the healing presence of their lineage and honor their ancestry through all their work in the world. Mrs. Hermida works as a Medicine woman devoting her efforts to helping children and women empower and free themselves from historical conditioning; dedicating herself to continual study and practice, effectively applying alternative healing methods from these foundational teachings.

Steven J. Ferriolo,

Mr. Ferriolo has over a decade of experience mentoring and counseling children and emerging adults. Mr. Ferriolo has earned his distinct Master’s Degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and has received years of traditional psychological training along with spiritual, shamanic and energetic training from Shamans and Medicine people.

Mr. Ferriolo began his career working as an Assistant Campus Minister at St. Joseph’s University,providing holistic leadership and creating outreach efforts and student service-learning programs centered on helping diverse and low socioeconomic communities. Through his continual dedication to raising consciousness, he has spent years working in soup kitchens and providing spiritual counseling and advisement under the guidance and tutelage of his own mentor, the late Pat Tracy, former Director of Campus Ministry for both St. Joseph’s College and St.John’s University. Following in his mentor’s footsteps, Mr. Ferriolo continued his humanitarian efforts as an academic advisor counseling students at St. John’s University for several more years. Throughout this time, Mr. Ferriolo served as a Program Mentor helping students ready themselves for the college experience through counseling, advising, and mentoring minority and underrepresented youth. 

Currently, Mr. Ferriolo works to counsel children and men, specializing in deep emotional work. He takes pride in helping children and men free themselves from unhealthy patterns of the mind while working the latent expressions of the self that are often blocked due to trauma, self-esteem issues, and fear. Through a Rogerian foundation, he works as a whole-person therapist aligning with transpersonal and humanistic qualities of being, bringing awareness and understanding to each person and space in a unique way.

Sessions are orientated by creativity and flow; sessions are also realistic and honest. Mr. Ferriolo believes healing occurs when we can feel the very emotional experience that we are resisting. Mr. Ferriolo’s aim is to help guide men towards inward courage so that they can see through clear eyes what needs to be healed. 

The medicine men of Celtic Tradition carry the healing presence of their lineage through storytelling and connection to nature. Utilizing Ecotherapy along with the essence of Native American and Celtic wisdom traditions; Mr. Ferriolo believes that all can be healed if one is willing to feel, see, and accept one’s current reality and oneself fully. 

Who We Serve

Our private practice has evolved over time to work in traditional native ways and specialize in working with children, emerging adults, adults, and senior women and men who are looking for deep, rich, and authentic healing experiences.

Our areas of expertise include Spiritual Psychology, Energy PsychologySomatic Psychology, and Parapsychology to work with individuals in the following areas:





Women’s Issues

Men’s Issues

Life Transitions

Traumatic Experiences

Death, Loss and/or Grief

Empowerment & Self-Esteem

Relationship & Communication Issues

Spiritual/Religious/Existential Issues, and 

Exceptional Human Experiences (EHEs)

Artwork Credit: Colt Idol

Exceptional Human Experiences (EHEs) include:

Desolation/Nadir Experiences

Near-Death Experiences

Out-of-Body Experiences

Encounter/Apparition Experiences

Past Life Memories/Recalls

Channeling and Psychic Experiences

Mystical and Unitive Experiences

Spontaneous Healing Experiences

Kundalini Awakening Experiences

Pre & Post-integration Psychedelic Experiences

Existential/Spiritual/Transpersonal Crisis

Our work together is to uncover the hidden treasures within each of these difficult life experiences and use them as a catalyst for healing and transformation.

Together, we create a sacred space of exploration, through which the alchemical process of healing and transformation catalyzes by taking the first valiant steps into our deep pain and suffering. 

In time, these small steps become a full journey of self-exploration and discovery. It is through this brave movement, in which the capacity to discover our authentic and higher-self emerges, and the integration of our body, mind, emotions, and spirit becomes possible.

Our psychotherapy and counseling Services

Tipi Healing House, PLLC offers three main entry ways to begin the
process of healing and transformation through our psychotherapy and counseling services.