Shamanic Counseling

Shamanism is an ancient form of spiritual healing found in indigenous cultures all over the world dating back to approximately a hundred thousand years ago. Traditionally, it is a path and a way of life where one connects with nature and all of creation, and both lives and works from this place.

The word shaman originates from the Tungus tribe in Siberia and is often translated to mean the “one who sees in the dark.” The implication here is that hidden realities exist, in which the shaman, voluntarily moves into an altered state of consciousness and acts as an intermediary between these worlds for the purposes of healing.

Shamanic Counseling is therefore a spiritual form of counseling that works with the soul and focuses on healing psycho-spiritual issues to help clients connect to their soul and spiritual natures for healing purpose. Through a combination of Plant Medicine Integration, Offensive Energy Clearing, Ancestral Healing, Past Life Healing, and Quantum Hypnosis, clients begin to heal deep soul wounds.

Artwork Credit: Susan Seddon Boulet

Shamanic healing is a natural way of healing imbalances and removing blockages in the physical and energetic systems of the body. Through the use of natural healing tools, individuals are guided by the life force energy that naturally occurs within every individual to facilitate the healing process of the body and create a healthy balanced system.

Medicine people work with Shamans and their spiritual family who guide them during the healing session to help remove blocks, plant gifts, and help restore balance within the individual. They work directly with the healing field and help individuals shift and align into a healing state.


Begins a deep healing process of the soul

Clears out human negative energies

Clears out spiritual negative energies

Heals intergenerational traumas

Heals ancestral traumas

Heals past-life traumas


Plant Medicine Integration

Offensive Energy Clearing

Ancestral Healing

Past Life Healing

Quantum Hypnosis 

Plant Medicine Integration

Plant Medicines are naturally occurring plants that induce psychedelic experiences given by a Shaman in sacred ceremony. In these sacred ceremonies, the Shaman creates a protective healing space to allow the consciousness of the plant medicine to work with the consciousness of your soul to create a healing plan and then move through a deep healing process.

  • South and Central American Shamans use plant medicines that are psychedelic in nature which include Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Psilocybin, Bufo, Yopo, and others.

  • Plant Medicine Integration is the process of working with a therapist to process and makes sense of the psychedelic experience that occurred with a Shaman in sacred ceremony. Through this integration process, clients begin to more deeply understand their plant medicine experience through personal meaning-making to further align with the healing process. 

    Plant medicine often brings up unresolved emotions, traumas and experiences that require further processing and healing. Psychotherapy helps with psychedelic integration by addressing the traumas or emotional wounds that may have been uncovered during the plant medicine experience. 

    The insights gained during a plant medicine experience provides a roadmap for the next step towards growth and transformation. However, it is through the freewill of the client to continue the personal development and internal work necessary to make lasting change. Psychotherapy can help to integrate these insights into daily life.

  • During a Plant Medicine Integration session, clients can expect the following:

    Pre-Integration: These counseling sessions take place before the client has the actual plant medicine ceremony. The focus here is on preparation for the plant medicine experience to be had with a Shaman. The therapist helps the client identify and clarify their intentions for the journey and helps to prepare for uncomfortable experiences that may arise in ceremony.  

    Post-Integration: These counseling sessions take place after the client has come back from the plant medicine journey. The focus here is on integrating the plant medicine experiences. Each counseling integration session focuses on a part of the journey experience in order to fully process it and apply it to daily life.

Offensive Energy Clearing

Offensive Energy Clearing utilizes both distance healing tools and quantum healing tools to effectively clear away negative entities, attachments, thought forms, and emotions that negatively affect the human experience.

After clearing offensive energies, clients will begin to feel and observe tremendous shifts in their lives as blocks or difficulties in life begin to suddenly dissipate.

  • Releasing Offensive Energies involve the clearing of entities, curses, cords, saboteurs, and post-hypnotic suggestions through distance healing tools. 

    Quantum healing tools are also incorporated to help with:

    • General Protection Protocols

    • Psychic Protection Protocols

    • Spiritual Protection Protocols

    • Clearing and Strengthening the Esoteric Field

    • Sacred Geometry for Maintenance and Protection

    Each of these tools both clear away negative energy and provide effective energetic shields that offer a comprehensive defense against all forms of intrusions.

  • Entity Removals

    An entity is a type of spirit/energy being that can affect the physical body, the energy body or the energy field/aura, potentially causing interreference in our lives with various problems. There are a range of entities, from the mildly irritating to more intensely negative and more capable of causing greater interference with health and balance. 

    Curse Removals

    A curse is a strong negative energy that either comes from an entity, from another person, or from our own subconscious mind. Curses are generally intended to block, sabotage or interfere with a person’s life, healing, connection to the Divine or actions in some way. A curse is an energy that becomes lodged within the energy field of the body.

    Cord Removals

    A cord is a lower vibrational type of connection. Cords are inherently negative, direct connections between two people. This can cause people to become irritated with each other, to create codependency in the relationship, and/or to be overwhelmingly vulnerable to the negative energy of one another. 

    Saboteur Removals

    A saboteur is a strong negative energy, usually from another person, intended to wound and/or sabotage another person. Saboteurs can be compared to invisible but damaging weapons, wounds, or control mechanisms. Most saboteurs are created by the subconscious mind and are the expression of negative feelings toward another person.

    Post-Hypnotic Suggestion Removals

    A post-hypnotic suggestion is a specific type of negative vibrational frequency, in the form of a statement, stuck in the subconscious mind. Post-hypnotic suggestions always come from outside sources and are not of your own creation. A post-hypnotic suggestion may come from an entity, a very negative person, or negative vibrations embedded in media 

    • Mood Issues

    • Dark Thoughts 

    • Self-Harm 

    • Addiction

    • Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

    • Anger Towards Oneself

    • Severe Self-Doubt

    • Severe Fatigue

    • Severe Negativity

    • Feeling Stuck

    • Physical Discomfort

    • Depressive-related Feelings

    • Feeling like something is there that doesn’t belong

    • Feeling conflict or resistance coming from outside oneself

    • Mental Illness Symptomology

    • Nightmares

  • During an Offensive Energy Clearing, clients can expect the following 3 parts to each session:


    1. Discussion: The counseling session begins with an exploration of the various offensive energies encountered throughout life as well as the current most offensive energy that is causing the most disruption in your life.


    2. Offensive Energy Clearing: The client is then guided into a natural light hypnotic state while the therapist is either muscle testing or dowsing to access the client’s subconscious mind and begin the clearing process. The client’s subconscious mind is guiding the session.


    3. Recommendations: After the clearing has completed, wellness recommendations are made to support the clearing process over the next few days.


    You will receive a comprehensive email report capturing the work completed in the session. Each Offensive Energy Clearing session focuses more deeply on one of the five offensive energies which include entity removals, curse removals, cord removals, saboteur removals, and post-hypnotic suggestion removals. Follow-up sessions are recommended as needed.

Ancestral Healing

Ancestral healing is the process of understanding and resolving emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues that have been passed down from generation to generation. 

The lived experiences of our ancestors are passed down through cellular memory, both the positive and the negative, which can have a significant impact on our lives. 

  • Ancestral healing is based on the belief that unresolved issues from the past can affect our well-being and limit our potential. 

    Therefore, Ancestral healing can help us break free from old negative patterns to more freely create a fulfilling life for ourselves and future generations.

    Through a combination of counseling and distance healing tools, individuals are able to release ancestral emotional traumas and clear negative ancestral memories.

  • Miasms

    A miasm is a reverberation of a sickness inherited from an ancestor. It is a vibrational frequency that develops in a person when they have a sickness that isn’t able to be processed completely. The sickness memory energy is later inherited by a child that the person conceives. It may have the potential to be very unbalancing to the energy field, creating problems both emotional and physical wherever the energy is trapped in the body.

    Inherited Trapped Emotions

    Inherited Trapped Emotions are emotions that become trapped in a person’s body from your biological parents, whether known or unknown, at the moment of conception. Some inherited energies may go back many generations. Some may have affected a person’s personality in an undesirable way or may have caused significant emotional and physical issues as a result. 

    Inherited Heart-Wall Emotions

    Inherited Heart-Wall Emotions are emotions that have become trapped at the moment of conception. A heart-wall emotion is more likely to be passed from a parent to a child if the original emotional experience was significant and powerful.

    Inherited Emotional Compounds

    Inherited Emotional Compounds form when two or three emotions are experienced during the same moment in time and become trapped together as one ball of energy. An emotional compound is one unique energy that cannot be released separately from one another.

  • During an Ancestral Healing, clients can expect the following 3 parts to each session:


    1. Discussion: The counseling session begins with an exploration of the various conscious ancestral energies that the client is aware of. Through an exploration of intergenerational traumas and cultural history, clients begin to identify more deeply how they are directly affected in daily life.


    2. Ancestral Energy Healing: The client is then guided into a natural light hypnotic state while the therapist is either muscle testing or dowsing to access the client’s subconscious mind to begin the ancestral emotional healing process. The client’s subconscious mind is guiding the session.


    3. Recommendations: After the emotional clearing has completed, wellness recommendations are made to support the healing process over the next few days.


    You will receive a comprehensive email report capturing the work completed in the session. Each Ancestral Healing session works with all four emotional ancestral energies which include Miasms, Inherited Trapped Emotions, Inherited Heart-Wall Emotions, and Inherited Emotional Compounds or psychic traumas. Follow-up sessions are recommended as needed.

Past Life Healing

A past life refers to the experience of a person's soul in a previous life before their current life. This belief is based on the concept of reincarnation, where a soul is reborn into a new physical body after death; essentially, a previous incarnation of oneself in a different time period. Therefore, a person's soul experiences multiple lifetimes. 

Past-life healing refers to the practice of healing emotional traumas from a previous life which is directly connected to one’s current life challenges.

  • By addressing unresolved issues from a past life, individuals have the opportunity to:

    • Identify and resolve past life traumas

    • Understand recurring patterns in one’s current life

    • Release old emotional wounds that continue to show up in one’s current life

    • Increase one’s level of awareness on a soul level

    • Heal and integrate the psyche more fully

    Through a combination of counseling and distance healing tools, individuals are able to release old emotional traumas and clear negative soul memories from past lives.

  • Preconception Trapped Emotions

    Preconception Trapped Emotions become lodged in the energy body prior to conception but are not inherited from an ancestor. Preconception trapped emotions are a ball of vibrating energy about the size of a clenched fist and can lodge anywhere in the body, exerting a distorting force on the energy field, which can lead to various kinds of physical and emotional issues.

    Preconception Heart-Wall Emotions

    Preconception Heart-Wall Emotions are a type of unique trapped energy in the heart from previous lifetimes, prior to conception. The subconscious mind created a wall or layer to surround the heart as a protective barrier against emotional pain till death and then passed down to this current life.

    Preconception Emotional Compounds

    Preconception Emotional Compounds is made of emotional energy that became trapped in the energy body prior to conception. An emotional compound forms when two emotions are experienced during the same moment in time and become trapped together as one ball of energy. 

  • During a Past Life Healing, clients can expect the following 3 parts to each session:


    1. Discussion: The counseling session begins with an exploration of the various past life recalls, dreams, or memories the client has experienced throughout life. Through an exploration of these experiences, clients begin to identify more deeply how the stubborn negative patterns in their current life are connected to their traumas from past lives.


    2. Past Life Healing: The client is then guided into a natural light hypnotic state while the therapist is either muscle testing or dowsing to access the client’s subconscious mind to begin the past life emotional healing process. The client’s subconscious mind is guiding the session.


    3. Recommendations: After the emotional clearing has completed, wellness recommendations are made to support the healing process over the next few days.


    You will receive a comprehensive email report capturing the work completed in the session. Each Past Life Healing session works with all three emotional ancestral energies which include Preconception Trapped Emotions, Preconception Heart-Wall Emotions, and Preconception Emotional Compounds or psychic traumas. Follow-up sessions are recommended as needed.

Quantum Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy, also known as hypnosis and hypnotic medicine, is a psychological therapy that works directly with the Subconscious to induce a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration, to help treat a variety of psychological and physiological issues. 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®), Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosis, helps to induce an individual into an altered state of consciousness known as the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. This is a state which we naturally experience twice a day - the moment just before we fall asleep and the moment just before we become consciously awake.

    1. Past Lives: the experience of the soul through many lives. The past lives that are accessed in a QHHT session are directly connected to the reason a client is coming in for a session. 

    2. The Subconscious: the part of ourselves that is always present with us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind. This part of us is infinitely knowledgeable and the most powerful aspect of each individual that can be contacted and communicated with. 

    The Subconscious is what allows us to access our past lives and perform instantaneous healings when appropriate.

  • First Component of QHHT® Technique

    Past Life Regression is the first component of Dolores’ QHHT® technique and involves the individual being regressed and guided through an appropriate past life from the first scene they first view, throughout the various periods of the life and eventually through to the death scene.

    Second Component of QHHT® Technique

    The Subconscious is the second component of Dolores’ QHHT® technique and involves the Subconscious selecting what past life to show the individual and they will be guided through it by the QHHT® practitioner who is conducting the session. The past life the Subconscious chooses to show an individual is always relevant to the current life the individual is living in now and it is not uncommon for multiple Past Lives to be shown during a single session. The QHHT® practitioner will navigate an individual through a Past Life using a series of questions to help determine the time period and social setting of the life.

    Third Component of QHHT® Technique

    Healing through the Subconscious is the third component of Dolores’ QHHT® technique. The Subconscious can identify any physical problem it detects within the body to a QHHT® Practitioner and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if it is, is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery or pain involved. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Subconscious.

  • QHHT® is a powerful tool to access the all-knowing part of ourselves that has been called throughout time The Higher Self, The Oversoul, even the Soul itself. When we incarnate on Earth, we forget our previous lives and connection to our souls and The Source. QHHT® enables individuals to connect to The Subconscious which resides beyond the conscious mind. 

    The Subconscious is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and an unlimited ability to heal the physical body. Sometimes mental and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The Subconscious reveals the cause and will assist according to a soul’s particular lessons.

  • This is a 5-hour appointment that consists of 3 parts:

    1. Interview Session: A 2-hour therapy session where we explore the overall themes of your life, traumas experienced, psycho-emotional issues, psycho-spiritual issues, physiological issues, and any out of the ordinary or Exceptional Human Experiences (EHEs) you have encountered. In addition, we will explore your soul’s intent, purpose and healing potentials. We will be seated in discussion.

    2. Past Life Regression and Subconscious Healing Session: A 2-hour hypnosis session in which you are guided into a natural somnambulistic hypnotic trance to explore a past life or live(s), discover its connections to your current life issues, uncover the necessary life lessons, and engage in a deep healing. You will be comfortably lying down.

    3. Debriefing: A 1-hour session in which we discuss your experience, the revelations discovered during hypnotherapy portion, the healing process, and any follow-up recommendations. We will be seated in discussion.

    You will receive an audio recording of the hypnotherapy session at the end, allowing you to revisit it for further healing and listen as often as you like to support your progress. Only one session is needed. Follow-up sessions are not needed.

INTERESTED IN Shamanic Counseling?

All Shamanic Counseling sessions are focused on working with the soul and spirit of the client.
Alternating sessions are offered by interweaving the Plant Medicine Integration, Offensive Energy Clearing, Ancestral Healing, Past Life Healing, and Quantum Hypnosis as full energy healing sessions
with in-between counseling sessions to process the effects and positive changes.
Both short-term and long-term sessions are offered.